How I Beat A Cycling Challenge
I have two mantras for this new year.
- Consistency
- Less talk, more action
When my local cycling studio, RYDE, announced their 25 RYDEs in 30 Days Challenge – I knew that I had to participate because it encompassed both consistency and turning all of my “I’m going to get fit for the new year” blab into a real measurable goal.
I signed up the day after Christmas and there was no looking back. I am proud to say that I finished my 25th Ryde in 28 days! I’ve seen amazing results and I feel great! You might even say that I’m a little addicted to the endorphins :).
So how’d I do it? Honestly, I don’t have some miracle story for you but I do have a few tips that really helped me along the way.
Treat yo’ self
In other words, have something to look forward to. For instance, my best friend asked me if I wanted to go to Vegas in December and I was hesitant but then I decided it would be my reward to myself after completing my challenge. I also treated myself to some new workout gear! Honestly, I worked hard so I deserved it and its always nice to have something waiting for you at the finish line.
I was doing ALLL of the things. I suggest you do them too. Whatever it is that your body needs to make a quick recovery – you need to do it. Whether its more sleep, more water, epsom salt baths, ice, DO IT! It makes all the difference and your body will thank you for the extra TLC. I swear by tart cherry juice, BCAAs, and turmeric!
If you follow me on instagram then you know I posted an instastory with my signature block letter caption after every single RYDE. I think i missed 2 during the morning shuffle but otherwise I did it after all 28 workouts. Im not sure how many people actually listen to my stories with the volume on but I know there was at least 1 person out there that saw me say I was going to finish 25 Rydes in 30 days. I don’t like to disappoint so I showed up and occasionally showed out lol. Using my IG community was an AMAZING way to keep me motivated and accountable. You can use yours too! It doesn’t matter how big or small, use the community you have because I promise they will cheer you on just like mine did.
I don’t care what brand you buy but please DO NOT rent cycling shoes for 25 times or if you are doing cycling longer term. Its bad for your budget. It costs $3 to rent shoes at most cycling studios. In other words, 25 times 3 is $75 which means you could be more than halfway to buying your own shoes or a nice pair of high waisted leggings! I highly recommend TIEMs ! I love them, they are super stylish and comfortable plus you can actually walk in them. Similarly, my toes would always go numb in the rented cycling shoes. It happened so often that I though it was just part of the process. News Flash – ITS NOT: seriously, buy your own shoes! You will not regret it.
Eating Habits
Eat like crap, feel like crap. This one is pretty self explanatory. I’m not saying you totally have to change your diet or lifestyle to complete a challenge but you do have to make changes. Your body needs proper fuel to get through a workout and the right nutrients to recover. Try and think ahead. For instance if I knew I had a class in the morning… I probably wouldn’t go out for a night of drinking with friends. To that same effect, I wouldn’t eat Five Guys before a workout…maybe save that for after if you really have to have it lol. Think smarter so you don’t have to work harder.
Don’t be Intimidated
Never let the person next to you, behind you, or in front of you intimidate you. Keep your blinders on! Everyone is at a different place in their cycling journey. You are there to better yourself, so focus on that and no one else. Personally, I used to look at the riders in the front row and think – “WOW, I’ll never be that good”, and now I ride in the front row!
Remember, everyone starts somewhere!
You’re Stronger Than You Believe
Yes, there will be some days when you’re sore. Especially in the beginning.. It is important to let your body rest but sometimes you have to saddle up and push through the pain. I promise it gets better and you get stronger. You never regret a workout once its over. Half the battle is just showing up so stick with it and most of all listen to your body.
Wishing you the best of luck on your challenge! If you’re reading this, sign up now – you won’t regret it! And, if you’re reading this and you’ve never taken a cycling class at RYDE, message me to find out how you get your first one on the house!